@yuxin7 我有遇到同样的问题,请问你有找到问题在哪并解决吗?谢谢
@kunnnnethan 博主能够提供pytorch和torchvision的版本吗?谢谢,该问题仍旧未能顺利解决
@kunnnnethan 感谢博主的及时回复,我在mosaic=True/False的情况下都有尝试,都会报错误,多次尝试调整输入数据量的情况下发现,报错是随机的,同一个数据,例如第一次运行时报错,第二次却不会
@kunnnnethan 感谢博主,我又尝试过了,debug看过一下,大概是交叉熵这个函数的问题,因为从我理解的代码逻辑来看,显式的程序我不觉得有问题,我的pytorch版本是1.11.0+cu113,能否告知博主的版本呢?我换成相同版本试试
@kunnnnethan python-pip
@kunnnnethan python3.8
@kunnnnethan 行,谢谢
My guess is right, if you don't use the dataset which is provided by author, you need to change the labels(from xml to yolo x, y,w,h). Because the author have...
> Doesn't the albumentations part perform the same thing and change the labels and bounding box size in proportion to the size of the image? Yes, I think it should...