Bryce Parker

Results 3 issues of Bryce Parker

Hi there, I have created a noise and reverberance version of BinauralWSJ0Mix datasets and trained with convtasnet-parallel structure. Here are the recipes and not conflicted with the clean version of...

I followed the installation of TensorFlow binding for WarpRNNT and finished processing dependencies for warprnnt-tensorflow==0.1. But when I "import warprnnt_tensorflow" to test, I met the following error. Although I "export...

作者好,如题,我们用自己的数据经过库中的vq_model得到Hubert tokens,再重头训练我们的GPT时loss始终降不下去,acc也只有18%,虽然最后infer并通过vq_model还原出的wav听起来还不错,但AR训练结果太差,请问是正常现象吗?