VoxPoser copied to clipboard
Running issue
my config: wsl Ubuntu-22.04 python 3.9
when i run following code. jupyter Kernel was restarting.
config = get_config('rlbench')
# uncomment this if you'd like to change the language model (e.g., for faster speed or lower cost)
for lmp_name, cfg in config['lmp_config']['lmps'].items():
cfg['model'] = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
# initialize env and voxposer ui
visualizer = ValueMapVisualizer(config['visualizer'])
env = VoxPoserRLBench(visualizer=visualizer)
lmps, lmp_env = setup_LMP(env, config, debug=False)
voxposer_ui = lmps['plan_ui']
jupyter debug info:
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "/mnt/d/all_codes/VoxPoser/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_1_0_Ubuntu20_04" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, webgl, xcb.
I changed to ubuntu20.04 version and solved the above problem, but there are new problems. when i run following code. the coppeliasim crash.
descriptions, obs = env.reset()
set_lmp_objects(lmps, env.get_object_names()) # set the object names to be used by voxposer
and the error is : Error: signal 11:
I also meet this problem. It might be something wrong with RLBench.
I also meet this problem.
I also meet the same problems. Maybe we can have a further communication~ Maybe we can have a further conversation @songhat @lxsy-xcy @xsw1208 @huangwl18 Which my Email is : [email protected] Hope for your message~
I also meet this problem.How to solve it please?
Probably you can try to use it in a physical ubuntu instead of trying it in a virtual machine.^_^ @FB-wh
I am using a physical ubuntu, but find the same problem. Is there any advise?