Results 6 issues of Haxp

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Hi,how do I set the cache directory to the current project root path

Currently it only supports running on Ubuntu22 and cannot run on Centos.


Thanks for your extension.

ISIC2018,MALUNet跑出来的结果为 test of best model, loss: 0.2932,miou: 0.7998552734900135, f1_or_dsc: 0.8887995443534216, accuracy: 0.9469325188362953, specificity: 0.9712784932378719, sensitivity: 0.871260228505311, confusion_matrix: [[38912813 1150684] [ 1659403 11230188]] 还有作者的EGE-Net实际测试结果为 ISIC2017,test of best model, loss: 0.7335,miou: 0.7868152686906821,...