huang jw
huang jw
### Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*? Feature ### What did you expect to see? As #5374 has been fixed, now dashboard assets can be...
Here's an example .proto with "timestamp.proto" imported: ``` protobuf syntax = "proto3"; package timesvc; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message NowReq {} message NowReply { google.protobuf.Timestamp now = 1; } service TimeSvc {...
When writing a PySide application with qt4reactor 1.6, always getting "Qt Static Configuration" exception. ``` import sys from PySide import QtGui, QtCore app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) from qtreactor import pyside4reactor pysid4reactor.install()...
按我原来的理解 stop words (`~/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/dict/stop_words.utf8`) 应该是在最终输出里面去除掉的词, 但根据现有 api 我无法找到去除掉它们的方法 例如 ```go package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { text := os.Args[1] seg := gojieba.NewJieba() defer seg.Free() words...
I was assuming `PublishAsync` is non-blocking. But read this in `publishAsync`: ```go // Use the buffered channel to control the number of outstanding acks. pac
``` import ( "log" "" "" ) func main() { mac := auth.New("ak", "sk") m := storage.NewBucketManagerEx(mac, nil, nil) ret, err := m.AsyncFetch(storage.AsyncFetchParam{ Url: "", Bucket: "bucket-name", Key: "path/to/avatar", CallbackURL:...