I have this problem, too. It took me a day, but it didn't work out.. And I try to use `app:kswThumbWidth="18dp" app:kswThumbHeight="18dp"`, but nothing changed.
Yes, I've already used them `app:kswAnimationDuration="300" app:kswBackDrawable="@drawable/ios_back_drawable" app:kswThumbDrawable="@drawable/ios_thumb_selector" app:kswBackMeasureRatio="1.7" app:kswThumbMarginBottom="-8dp" app:kswThumbMarginLeft="-6dp" app:kswThumbMarginRight="-8dp" app:kswThumbMarginTop="-5dp" app:kswThumbWidth="18dp" app:kswThumbHeight="18dp"` but it's always the same size. It's too big, in my layout. I tried all...
OMG!!! You're right!! It works!! It works!! thank you so much!!
Support you, thank you very much for releasing this cool project. It's awesome!