Thanks for your great work, following your way I managed to switch between running/jumping, but when I want to switch between other actions, such as lifting/kicking, it has some problems,...
感谢分享您的工作! 在使用重定向的工程中,我使用了lafan1的骨架作为输入,但当运行demo.py后,出现如下模型加载的问题,请问这种情况我是需要使用该骨架重新训练吗? Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 97, in main() File "", line 76, in main model.load(epoch=20000) File "E:\python\motion_editing\retargeting\models\", line 274, in load model.load(os.path.join(self.model_save_dir, 'topology{}'.format(i)), epoch) File...
Thank you for sharing. Where should I download data_verts.npy, raw_audio_fixed.pkl, templates.pkl and subj_seq_to_idx.pkl ?
When I don't want to use the positive direction of the hip node as the direction of the trajectory, how should I change the Trajectory Directions? When I try to...