Bin Hua
Bin Hua
@igor-makarov You might need this []( I ported it for Safari, and the code is open-sourced.
@igor-makarov I've submitted this extension to Apple, and I'll provide a link here once it's approved.
@Rob--W 1) The background script is automatically generated when the project is created in Xcode. It will not work because it is not called. 2) Which button? 3) I tested...
@igor-makarov @Rob--W It's on AppStore now, link is, or search `DTMG - Target Links`.
@Rob--W @igor-makarov Hello guys, Sorry to trouble you. I updated my GitHub username, could you update it in your reply. Thank you so much.
> Seems to be working on mac as well 👍 On macOS, you should download the latest ngrok file, and then run ``` ngrok config add-authtoken ``` It will work.
Hello @DavideViolante , Have you solved this? Thank you.
Same problem. macOS Ventura 13.2
I had the same issue with Debian 9
@tjko I noticed that. Maybe, I should change the title to `hope to add support for HEIC`