@getroot Hello! Several days no see! I wonder how the video delay is calculated in OvenRtcTester, could you please give an introduction to this?
@ysliew Hi, have you solved this problem?
@SangwonOh Execuse me! I wonder whether OvenPlayer now supports monitoring video quality level when playing. Thanks!
Hi! Could you give more details?
Hi, did you solve this problem? It seems to be something wrong with compiling Android OpenSSL.
@kuroneko306 Hi, I have already acquired the trace log about E2E delay. Is there anything I can help you? BTW, @U1X6WK, have you successfully ran the shell script []( I...
Hi, I encountered the same issue with you, but I got "Invalid token" error from join_on_failure_callback. Have you fixed this issue yet? Looking forward to your reply.
Hi, this is because the **** has been updated, you just switch to the previous commit and rebuild the client. `git checkout fb8efd95038f05798d67916a4286dfd586e3b1f6` Best wishes.
@singerxt Does it work now?