
Results 3 issues of hantenglei

hello i want use go-zero/core/stores/redis as my redis client, but i saw in the redis.ZaddsCtx(), score is type int64, but wrapped redis client is float64, why do this convert? https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/blob/34294702b0e88ad7d3e7e0ac494ee15cf103f0db/core/stores/redis/redis.go#L1878

重构SDK代码,统一参数context,Request, Response。 - 支持透传RequestId,获取服务端http.Response

https://github.com/juju/charm-helpers/blob/a012fe70643e2e670acba293fe38d2f98d979961/charmhelpers/core/host_factory/centos.py#L2 in python3, the `yum` module is rename `dnf`, is this only support python2 or a bug when use python3?

help wanted