Tai C. Huang

Results 40 issues of Tai C. Huang

The documentation homepage says, "LightFM is a Python implementation of a number of popular recommendation algorithms for both implicit and explicit feedback." But if it can work with explicit feedback,...

It looks like this library requires a user to specify the number of line segments before fitting a model. This means this library can't be used for automatic trend detection(this...

When run benchmark.ipynb, got the following error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 8 pool = mp.Pool(processes=n_process) 9 ---> 10 df_splitted = [df.query('u_id.isin(@users_subset)') for users_subset in np.array_split(users, n_process)]...

I ran the following texts through Rake(default settings) and their output are included. "new" and "last" are not included but "last" is included. Just wonder how Rake makes decision on...

How to configure this demo so that it can take "any" vendors instead of only three?

This [page](https://py-why.github.io/dowhy/gcm/user_guide/answering_causal_questions/quantify_arrow_strength.html) shows the following example: ``` strength = gcm.arrow_strength(causal_model, 'Y') strength {('X', 'Y'): 41.321925893102716, ('Z', 'Y'): 14.736197949517237} ``` How to determine if the arrows are strong/weak given these values?...

This question is in the context of detecting distribution change. Suppose we have a graph like: Y->X, Z->X. Can the causal mechanism for X be frozen? That means we want...

I would like know if gcm.distribution_change uses any particular algorithm to traverse the nodes in a complex graph to find root causes. Any recursive call involved? Root cause analysis (RCA)...

Can you upgrade your code to TensorFlow 2.0?

I run the following code and got an error: ``` from dit.divergences import earth_movers_distance as emd emd([2,3,4],[1,2,3]) ``` ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in 1 from dit.divergences...