Hassan Syyid
Hassan Syyid
Please try updating to SpongeForge 1103, Also please send logs in English if possible :smile:
Okay, I'll test it out, not sure what the issue is. Also please use [PasteBin](http://pastebin.com) for future logs.
@ThornsOfire Has this been resolved?
This is because of how EssentialCmds sets the gamemodes based upon the world set gamemode. If the gamemode of the End is meant to be survival mode, when you TP...
Actually, perhaps I can make it configurable instead? As suggested a black or whitelist or both for the repair.
@Aaron1011 Thanks, I'll fix this soon
In addition to what @kinggoesgaming there is a LocalizationAPI that has not been added yet. https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/pull/1224
Not a NullPointerException but okay.
Remove case sensitivity for warps/teleports etc: 11e56920be216b92461dfabf5198b2b70e5923a0
`/kittycannon` was not intended to be released yet because it was not done. I will finish it soon