Hassan Syyid
Hassan Syyid
https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/blob/bleeding/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/api/entity/living/player/Player.java#L104 `openInventory` doesn't take a cause argument so the description for the exception doesn't make sense
Just a note: This will have to be done using Sponge's scoreboard API.
@kinggoesgaming Thanks
Not unless you ask the JourneyMap devs. I will just add vanilla functionality to EssentialCmds teleport command. Please note you should be moving over to Nucleus
Yes there is. `"teleport", "cooldown", "timer"`in `config.conf`
What Forge version are you running on? Also, try updating your SpongeForge for me if you could
@Exudius Is this still happening?
This could cause issues, as what if the world is unloaded by a server admin on purpose? They would not want players still able to override that and warp there....
What version of Sponge is this on? What version of Minecraft and/or Forge? What version of EssentialCmds?