I love the cool visualization of NER results from http://corenlp.run/ I want to change some part of it but do not know whether there are some API docs. For example,...
[https://www.macys.com/s/parade/](https://www.macys.com/s/parade/) Like the URL above, some pages cannot be saved correctly and show a loading UI Try it and you will know what i mean. another example is pages from...
此浏览器拓展与一些带有拖拽功能的图片收藏插件拖拽操作冲突,例如在同时使用Eagle的图片收藏浏览器拓展插件时,如果图片带有链接,在我的浏览器里会优先超级拖拽的逻辑。 请考虑增加一个选项,开启/关闭对图片拖拽的支持。
Yuwen Teachers at school will ALL write and teach students "ɑ", mostly they will consider "a" a wrong shape in handwriting. 在校语文老师们全会书写并教授学生们“ɑ”,大多数时候他们会认为“a”是错误的手写形状。
作者您好,目前的输入法提示功能很棒,美中不足是窗口整体大小(包括图标和文字)对于视力不好的人来说稍微有点小。 请问是否考虑增加一个自定义缩放功能? 例如能自定义缩放到1-5倍?谢谢!