Heesung Kim
Heesung Kim
https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L658 https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L714 https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L829 reg_req_topic of mqtt_app is wrong. according to [TS-0010](http://member.onem2m.org/Application/documentapp/downloadLatestRevision/?docId=18620), leading '/'s of originator have to be omitted when it does not Credential-ID. But it replaces leading '/'s with...
https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L157 https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L164 https://github.com/IoTKETI/Mobius/blob/b398dec2e3028627c67c3ed77a1f64da0922fc90/pxy_mqtt.js#L174 topics of subscribe are wrong. according to TS-0010, non-leading '/'s of originator and receiver have to be replaced with ':'. But it omits non-leading '/'s of originator...
It is a bug of rosemary. They do not currently maintain rosemary, so it is recommended to get the necessary part from Mobius to use rosemary. (Rosemary is implemented based...
Mobius and Rosemary don't support of TS-0010. These are designed so that all nodes using mqtt must be on the same network. :-(
http://tech.iotocean.org/board/mobius This is Mobius QnA site operated by KETI. They can speak English, so you can just ask questions in English. If there is no answer, it's not a language...
1. It seems that we can not have "local regions" (controlled by gateways), right? - You can have local regions when AEs don't use mqtt.\ See [Configuration manual](https://github.com/IoTKETI/nCube-Rosemary/blob/master/README.md#configuration) of [rosemary...
In my case, I modified Rosemary to connect 2 mqtt brokers. I found a similar [question](http://tech.iotocean.org/post/187?&page=2) in http://tech.iotocean.org/board/mobius. I hope this helps you. --- Q. Do I need a separate...
Maybe you can implement it with Mobius and rosemary. (But I do not recommend it.) In my case, I used 2 network chips to connect the gateway to the private...
> Sorry, I dont know the term "network ships"... Do you mean VPN? Network chips means Network cards, not ships. I used wifi chip for private and LTE chip for...
Mysql returns "Access denied for user" when authentication plugin is wrong. Mobius uses mysql_native_password as authentication plugin. Check authentication plugin of mysql account. `SELECT user,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;`