One more issues related to bottom sheet navigation using accompanist, we are unable to pass data back to parent composable (from where bottom sheet is routed to). We know its...
Hi @jennantilla. Any update on this? We are getting a lot of crashes for this in our app.
HI @jennantilla any update?
@jennantilla it's been more than 6 months, there have been multiple new versions of the SDK, but this error is still not resolved. Can you please update on the resolution...
Hi @jennantilla can you please confirm if this bug has been fixed in 5.1.x releases?
Hi @jossiwolf, Thanks for your reply. Like if we have 2 sheets and we want to make one sheet dismissable on outside click and other undismissable, we cannot do that....
Hi @jossiwolf any update on this ?
Hi @jossiwolf, Any update on this ?
I saw another issue related to bottom sheet navigation. Whenever I open a bottom sheet and call navController.popbackstack() to close it, it closes fine but the **scrim color** of that...