Hrishikesh Terdalkar
Hrishikesh Terdalkar
I would also love to help with bugfixes, small changes as best as I can.
Thank you prompt response. Sample query is, ```MATCH (n5)-[r1:`REL1`]->(n1), (n3)-[r2:`REL2`]->(n2), (n4)-[r3:`REL4`]->(n3), (n5)-[r4:`REL2`]->(n4) WHERE n1.`name` = "NAME1" AND n3.`name` = "NAME2" AND n4.`name` = "NAME4" RETURN *``` Here, n1, n2, ......
Thank you again! ConditionalAND works for now. That raises the question though, what if there are some ANDs and some ORs? I'm wondering why we needed to do `__().` instead...
Thank you again for your very quick and very helpful responses. I'm currently replacing the bound parameters myself after calling str on the pypher object. Does the point 2 in...
I plan to use `py2neo`. I'll check it out. Thank you.
I have same issue on Ubuntu 20.04. I've tried enabling DRI3 in xorg.conf as mentioned in one solution mentioned in #153
is this going to be added to the next version of spyder?
@anthology-assist Can you please check now. The bib file `2024.iscls.0.bib` should now exist with the following content. ``` @proceedings{iscls-24, title = {Proceedings of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium},...