It is helpful to be aware of the analogies between JSON Schema and XSD. What seems to be called here a "root schema" (if I understand the comments correctly) is...
Just checked StatSocial again, the version downloaded per REST service at 10AM CET. I see the following references: #/definitions/18_24 #/definitions/25_34 #/definitions/35_44 But the schema names in "definitions" are: 1824 2534...
Mike, could it be that the new versions are not yet delivered by the REST service? At any rate, I find the old ref errors, as well as a couple...
Will now travel a little and tonight will repeat the check and let you know.
Good morning and good news, Mike - data almost clean now, excepting known issues (azure and statsocial). ``` azure.com_network-virtualNetworkTap.json . ./networkInterface.json#/definitions/NetworkInterfaceTapConfiguration . (4) . (2) ....
PS: As you asked for the tool I use for checking - it is Foxpath, an expression language for evaluating resource trees and structured resource contents (XML, JSON, CSV, HTML)....
Gentlemen - we contemplate the tip of an iceberg: JSON Schema does not yet support assertions, constraints in the form of **expressions**. I suggest to look at the problem at...
Greg, the point is not whether or not a particular constraint can be expressed using the current vocabulary, but whether or not a mechanism is desired for expressing constraints beyond...
Greg, interesting points! Indeed - there are two approaches how to represent expressions, opaquely, as an embedded string - or as a tree of keywords. XSD 1.1 - embedded strings;...
@handrews Thank you, Henry, for your views, for pointing out the relationship to $data tagged discussions and sharing the link. I strongly sympathize with your caution - it is so...