
Results 6 issues of hrawulwa

Hello, I'm looking for guidance on how to configure POWA to run on HTTPS and use SSL to protect connection between GUI and PostreSQL. I have a remote setup, with...


The partition is part of pglogical replication set. We use pglogical for logical replication. run_maintenance fails because of this. ERROR: cannot drop table pgpoc.part_test_daily_p2023_04_26 because other objects depend on it...

feature request
fixed in next release

I have a remote setup which used to work fine on RHEL7. After upgrade to RHEL8, having problems. When starting powa-collector, the log file displays list of workers, but says...


I have a remote setup, with both powa-collector and powa-web running on the same repository server. Versions: Powa archivisit_4_1_2, powa-collector-1.1.1 and powa-web-4.1.4 I registered a new database. However the UI...


We have use cases that require us to create Range-Hash Partitioned tables. I'm assuming pg_partman supports this, as I have seen create_subparent function in the documentation. I'm looking for example...


My current setup is that all the remote servers are registered using postgres as username and dbname. The pg_hba file on the remote servers have the entry of repository server...
