Håkan Råberg
Håkan Råberg
Currently a range constraint doesn't move a variable earlier in the join order even if possible, which means that the benefits of using the indexes won't be felt. @refset has...
There's an old status system living in `crux.status` that seems to have fallen on the way side a bit of late. Probably best to clean up and align with the...
Currently `crux-rdf` prints this to standard error: ``` SLF4J: A number (7) of logging calls during the initialization phase have been intercepted and are SLF4J: now being replayed. These are...
We want `crux.main.graal` to delegate to `crux.bootstrap.cli` like the normal `crux.main` namespace. This is currently blocked by this issue which stops Kafka clients from being used inside a native image:...