Results 11 issues of hpsoar

When the table loaded the first batch of cells, the the draw method of OdyView is not called, thus will not show the images. The images will show when the...


if the amount of lowest i asks have already exceeds the amount of all the candidate bids, eg. N. which is amount(market1_ask0, market2_aski) >= amount(market2_bid0, market2_bidN) there's no need to...

``` #include "caffe2/fb/aloha/generate_proposals_op.h" #include "caffe2/fb/aloha/generate_proposals_op_util_boxes.h" ```

What if I rebind another UITextField to a Field node or another UIButton to a Button node? Ideally, I'd like to have a `layout` pre-build based on `model`, then I...

line 176, there need a convertion: ((SubredditDataModel*)self.dataSource.model).newsModeIndex = selectedIndex;

I don't quite under this line of code around line 437. why bother the check, and there're setting for lastState below

In my project, I find that SQLiteManager can't handle double value correctly.

because the db already closed, reopen db, db will lost that last_inserted_row_id? If so, getLastInsertRowID is not useful.

I only need the capture feature, and don't want the choose from album feature. thanks~