In Midea climate component it can be set like this ([link](https://esphome.io/components/climate/midea.html)) ``` supported_modes: - FAN_ONLY - HEAT_COOL - COOL - HEAT - DRY ``` This would be useful in Panasonic...
It would be nice also for [Esphome](https://esphome.io/components/sensor/xiaomi_ble.html?highlight=xiaomi#lywsd03mmc) to synchronize the Xiaomi clock every 6 hours or so.
It should be relatively easy to add support for this board and wired ethernet connection. However, not in my plan as it would require that board for testing.
In that case I am can try to make it with my best effort, can't promise the success.
Received the board and added support to it in https://github.com/hpirila/ESP32-Ruuvitag-Collector/tree/esp32-gateway branch. Ethernet support includes dhcp, fixed IP and fallback to WiFi if ethernet fails. The main functionality remains same with...
Hi, can you share what you changed and I can update github.
ESP32 has some support for RSSI values as well, but I haven't study detailed.
Latest version in ESP32-gateway branch shows RSSI values now in serial console. Later more comprehensive support is added with influx database etc. https://github.com/hpirila/ESP32-Ruuvitag-Collector/tree/esp32-gateway
No, it is currently not compatible. This issue is already reported here #214.
See #214 for a workaround.