Simon Høxbro Hansen

Results 143 comments of Simon Høxbro Hansen

Completely agree with you. I have implemented this suggestion. I have removed the flip from `transform_shapely`, which means that the output of `.geom()` is rotated compared to the bokeh plot....

After some digging this is because I use `wgs84` instead of `PlateCarree()`, which I thought was the same thing. Should an option of setting `projection=True` use `PlateCarree` or will this...

I got it to work with slices, and will submit PRs in holoviews and hvplot today.

Great work @JanHomann! I will look into what is possible to add to interactive.

This can be recreated with: ``` python import hvplot.pandas import pandas as pd import panel as pn df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [0], "b": [0]}) idf = df.interactive() slider_a = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=0, end=1)...

Not related to this PR - but it should work. When running the arguments you provided with a "clean" hvplot command, you get this warning: ![image]( This is because the...

@gcaria, I'm in no way an expert in maps, but could the reason you are seeing the `IndexError` be because you are exceeding the map projected bounds as seen here:...

This is properly which is causing the issue. Can you try to remove all the geo features from the plot to verify it?

@maximlt the problem you are seeing should be fixed by #305

I have been playing around with the existing Datepicker in panel, the bokeh model and flatpickr. flatpickr has a option to enable time, and I got a working code of...