@farmingyard @yanyanxixi how did you deal with error: :Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "shuffle_channel_param"? I make pycaffe successfully, but when I test the pre_trained model with python I...
I can draw this net successfully. but I can't use the deploy.prototxt with to test picture. my code: import caffe import glob import os import cv2 WEIGHTS_FILE = '/home/***/caffe/shufflenet_step2_iter_5000.caffemodel' DEPLOY_FILE...
In the paper, you choose image pairs within rater, could you share the file which has the scores from different raters? Thank you.
Thank you!
when I trained a resnet to predict the score of a picture, I only got rank correlation statistic 0.56 rather than 0.6+. Could you tell me how to choose image...