Houssain Barouni
Houssain Barouni
remaining changes in the helm chart, but they are released only in the next minor
Hello, any updates or hints about this issue ? We have got the same issue when using Opensearch in AWS Best regards,
Replacing `ApacheHttpClient` by `NettyNioAsyncHttpClient` solves the issue. cf https://github.com/opensearch-project/data-prepper/pull/3338
For transparency, a discussion with @vsgoulart about public-forms E2E test that always fail the first time on this branch, but always passes on main: On `main` branch: - the process...
> @houssain-barouni There is an issue with the local dev environment the Operate FE team is using. > > * if you run `yarn start` in `operate/client/`, Operate provides a...
Hello @megglos , yes, I will assign it to myself
https://github.com/zeebe-io/zeebe-changelog/pull/17 to add sections for Operate and Tasklist in Zeebe changelog
This test is failing again https://github.com/camunda/camunda/actions/runs/9973728644/job/27559706138 [logs_26105190258.zip](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16265643/logs_26105190258.zip)