Hougang Liu
Hougang Liu
when I run `warmer --cache-dir ./cache -i my-private-registry.com/atelier/notebook-base:0402`, it fails with message `Failed warming cache: Failed to retrieve image: my-private-registry.com/atelier/notebook-base:0402: Get "https://my-private-registry.com/v2/": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority ` I...
/kind feature **Describe the solution you'd like** [A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.] For now, we implement std/file/tensorflowevent/custom MetricsCollector, we can try to implement PrometheusMetricCollector....
for now, “volcano.sh/gpu-memory” can essentially only set 3 environment variables based on https://github.com/volcano-sh/devices/blob/master/pkg/plugin/nvidia/server.go#L324 to tell user how much gpu memory he can use in current container? for example, when set...