Results 5 issues of monkey

## 版本号 ~ ![image]( ## 什么问题 ~安装完之后,登录成功就停留在这里,,如上图 ## 如何复现此问题 ~ master 分支,install 之后执行 install-server 然后执行 dev ## 什么浏览器 ~ chrome ## 什么系统(Linux, Windows, macOS) M1 macos 13.0

npm run start之后访问http:// 页面返回Invalid hostname! 未对代码做修改

有道云新手指南地址: 按照新手指南创建应用获取 appkey 和 secretKey,复制到 key: ![image](

**Describe the bug** After installing a different version of xcode, when I open it and run it, it says that I need to update to the latest version, which is...


``` cd Agora-Electron-API-Example yarn install ``` node version: v14.21.3 yarn version: 1.22.15 os: Apple M1 Ventura 13.0 error: ``` warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^16.13.1". [4/4] 🔨...