2022/04/09 17:25:28 info (rtty.c:157) now: 1649496328.524624, active: 0.000000 this line is added manual for debug 。
usage: mqttAdaptor := mqtt.NewAdaptorWithAuth(...) mqttAdaptor.SetOptionsFn(func(opts *paho.ClientOptions) {opts.WillPayload = []byte("goodbye")})
when use mbedtls 3.x and tls1.3, must call psa_crypto_init before tls handshake, otherwise should occur error: TLS handshake: -0x6c00 like this:
> @hotraygroup Thank you, can you please explain why and how this is related to this issue ? We are not using PSA and there is no such error in...
windows 11, 出现相同问题