Boyuan Yang

Results 62 comments of Boyuan Yang

fix blocking by ustclug/mirrorhelp#53

可以。 需要找 @bg6cq 张老师商量一下 停止解析的问题……或者 CNAME 会不会更好?

@gaoyifan 反代列表需要重新检查一下,特异性解析说明写在 help 文档里?其它没什么了

@gaoyifan 我倾向首页给链接出去,例如一个“使用帮助”的超链接。

更新:根据发往 lug 邮件的信息, 不支持纯 IPv6。由于我们需要重构反代服务,需要同步处理该问题。

Debian utfcpp packager here. While the best way might be upgrading Debian's utfcpp to 4.0.x, some other Debian's software will encounter build failures when using utfcpp 4.0.x so that won't...

Thanks. The downgrade to utfcpp 3.2.4 has now happened. For more information, please see . Just in case you are curious, the other software that breaks with utfcpp 4.0.x...

鉴于近期的形势,如 A 岛目前不可访问,App 现在实际上处于不可使用的状态。 希望能添加切换不同匿名版的功能(例如备胎岛),在某个岛暂时无法提供服务时可以使用其它岛提供服务。 @seven332

好的,如有外部贡献的话望能接受相关 PR

I will also have to mention that switching from Qt5 to Qt6 is a major API breakage that should be accompanied with SONAME bump. I would suggest both kcolorpicker project...