Takahiro Horike
Takahiro Horike
@ghdna Thank you for opening up! Which example are using? >The credentials within the serverless.yaml file Could you show us your all of serverless.yml? How does you define credentials? You...
@ghdna Seems that credentials setting is no problem. Are you using the following sample? if so, I'll try to reproduce your facing problem on my local. https://github.com/serverless/examples/tree/master/aws-node-single-page-app-via-cloudfront
@ghdna I have tried the same sample. However, worked fine on my local. I guess that you didn't apply IAM action to your credential correctly. I reccomend you will try...
Thank you for reporting @simlu :+1: This would be a feature request since currently, it seems that double left arrow is not supported yet.
AWESOME @simlu 👍 💯 It would be great if you can implement this improvement! In general, the yaml file is parsed within [YamlParser.js](https://github.com/serverless/serverless/blob/master/lib/classes/YamlParser.js), which actually leverage [js-yaml](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml) as a YAML...
Would love to do that if CloudFormation supports SNS trigger for StepFunctions. In order to achieve that, you need to specify something on StepFunctions stuff to `Protocol` of `AWS::SNS::Subscription`. You...
Thank you for pointing it out 👍 It seems that the issue is not still merged yet on the framework side. https://github.com/serverless/serverless/issues/7402 The current status is waiting for that.
@theburningmonk That functionality looks good 👍 And 100% agree with adding `configureTaskTimeouts` statement. Thanks for the proposal as always!
Thank you for the proposal @andrewhertog :+1: Sounds a good idea, but you cannot implement the feature since there is a restriction on AWS end. The output body is generated...
Hi @ChristopheBougere, thank you for opening this issue :+1: Recently, [serverless-step-functions-offline](https://github.com/vkkis93/serverless-step-functions-offline) has been released for local development. How about use that?