Horst Fickel-Verdino
Horst Fickel-Verdino
will have a look at it.
hi, well i would not change the format, as its currently used by ispconfig and the roundcube plugin itself. so when you change it, you would need to change it...
great idea, this is not the jqueryui datepicker, its a plugin called datetime picker. It adds also the time to it.
Here you go: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request thanks for the work
regarding your name, no i can't, but you can set your name in github here: https://github.com/settings/profile i will test your code changes tomorrow.
the project got currently no license and no credits, although this will change with the next upcoming release of it. so for the time beeing it is as is. Regarding...
testing went well, so we will use it, but i need to update the strength progress bar first, so that both things are working in harmony.
Hi, i do not want to spoil you, but thats already available in the "ispconfig3_account" like years. You need to install it and set the plugin config parameter "identity_limit" to...
HI, e.g. you add a specific app tab into sw-product-detail which is loading information from an external source or does some other things. Now you only want to start loading...