Sofern du ausschließen kannst, die entsprechende Regel `MUTTER_TERESA' zu benötigen, erscheint mir der sinnvollste Weg, diese zu deaktivieren.
Noch etwas zur Erklärung: > Virginia war 1,71 groß und hatte ihre Haarfarbe und Augenfarbe von ihrer **Mutter Theresa** geerbt. LT: "Meinten Sie die mazedonische Ordensschwester und Missionarin Mutter „Teresa“?"...
Das hängt vom verwendeten Programm ab. In Emacs etwa gibt man den Namen der Regel, die an der betreffenden Stelle auch angezeigt wird, direkt an. In deinem Bildausschnitt fällt _Prominente/geographische...
Further tests show that minimum line length the repetition error is caught is somewhere around 115 characters. The following loop wraps the file to different line lengths then sends it...
Referring to the edited title, a common line length in a text editor is somewhere in the range 60 to 80 characters per line. `*_WORD_REPEAT_BEGINNING_RULE` fails for people working with...
The problem affects Thunderbird as well. I've copied the text from the file attached to the original report, opened a new mail in Thunderbird and pasted the text there. It...
For what it's worth, meanwhile, I have been able to reproduce the problem in the Firefox add-on, too. Here's how: 1. Open . 1. Copy all text from the file...
Not too enthusiastic about giving back (a little) via bug reports anymore, given the phenomenal feedback rate visible here and on the forum for issues other than plain word error...
Thank you for giving this insight. That could explain the issue. If sentences are indeed broken at line breaks, that would render grammar rules largely pointless. Will watch that. On...