Haopeng Huang
Haopeng Huang
Thank for the quick response! It'll be great to add [types declaration](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-files/publishing.html#including-declarations-in-your-npm-package) to the package for typescript webapps to work properly and not having to use dynamic import() (I'm using...
I have to comment out these two lines from my node_modules/ source for angular webpack to work with your provided code. https://github.com/robtweed/DPP/blob/master/src/dpp.js#L261-L262 Otherwise webpack failed at this line: ` const...
Thanks for the quick update! It does simplifies a lot. Is it possible to replace the dynamic import with static import? This https://github.com/robtweed/DPP/blob/master/src/dpp.js#L261-L262 is still breaking webpack with the same...
Hi Rob, I am doing what you suggest in my angular code and it actually works from local machine if I don't creates the browser deployment bundle. ``` import {DPP}...
unfortunately it's still an issue. You can see that from my stackblitz example by upgrading dpp-db to 2.3.0. I'm still seeing the dynamic import() error. again if I checkout the...
works like a charm! thank you very much!
Thanks! it works perfectly
I can't use spring cloud for S3 upload because it cannot set SSE. Would be great to see a solution to this problem.