Aaron Soellinger
Aaron Soellinger
There is a collision in package name, both have package name == `colour` This package and https://www.colour-science.org/installation-guide/ If the latter is installed in the PYTHONPATH, all attempts to import `from...
Have an issue with an import ```bash % python3.8 -m pip install colour Requirement already satisfied: colour in /Users/***/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.1.5) % python3.8 Python 3.8.11 (default, Jul 29 2021, 14:57:32) [Clang...
``` fortville@fortville-HP-Z620-Workstation:~/code/meshlabs-server/test/meshlabjs/sources$ make -f MakefileJS emcc -c -o Color.bc Color.cpp -I. -I ../../vcglib/ -I ../../vcglib/eigenlib -s TOTAL_MEMORY=536870912 -std=c++11 -s PRECISE_F32=1 -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 --bind -s LINKABLE=1 -Os emcc: warning: linker setting...
https://github.com/strawlab/pymvg/blob/2b99ccb459063f34dbe801bdbbfcf1209b1fb3e5/pymvg/multi_camera_system.py#L215 There is a bug in the case where `find3d(..., undistort=False)`. I am not sure what the correct fix is. After running through undistort, the point gets wrapped in a...
- https://github.com/strawlab/pymvg/issues/10 This is one approach that implements a slight change to `pymvg.find3d` requiring the same data structure in, that `cam.undistort` outputs This is a breaking change, so may be...
- added matplotlib dependency to requirements.txt