
Results 6 issues of honhimW

I am wondering if there is a changlog to describe these differences , or if there is a guide that I can refer to. (such as between v1.5 and v1.6....

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改成provided? ```xml org.eclipse.paho org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 ${mqttv3.version} org.apache.hbase hbase-client ${hbase-client.version} ``` 去掉依赖 我看代码只用了个CollectionUtils? 这是搞笑的吗. ```xml org.springframework spring-core ${spring-core.version} ```

### Context - [X] This issue is not a bug report. *(please use a different template for reporting a bug)* - [X] This issue is not a duplicate of an...


Gradle wrapper update to 8.7. (Because I couldn't run it in the original version @8.5-rc0) ```bash ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=8.7 --distribution-type=bin ``` --- Add STATIC_METHOD_ATTRIBUTES option ```xml ``` **Before** ![image](https://github.com/hiberbee/themes/assets/43008289/ef88ce39-01ff-41c8-92c3-c2a51dbe0eb5) **Fixed**...

Hello, I am currently using a read-only view to scroll through output text (similar to a console). In the cases, the output usually appends content to the end of the...

### 预期情况 浏览器, 终端等立即生效 ### 实际情况 设置自动配置系统代理后, 所有应用都没有开启代理, 日志级别改成`debug`仍然没看到任何信息 手动在终端设置环境变量 ```shell export https_proxy= ``` 可以使用代理并且日志有看到代理信息 ### 复现方法 1. 下载`v2rayN-linux-64.zip`, 解压后运行`./v2rayN` 2. 配置服务器后设为活动服务器 3. 切换到自动配置系统代理 4. 尝试切换Whitelist/Blacklist/Global都不生效, 开启Tun也不生效 > 7.0.9 |...
