### What problem does this PR solve? Issue Number: close #10908 ### What is changed and how it works? 1. Support to listen to tidb_ddl_history table in ddlPuller 2. filter...
In https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/50052, TiDB do the optimization for creating tables. In new implementations, `create table` ddls will not be inserted into table tidb_ddl_job, but only be inserted into table tidb_ddl_history when...
### First-time contributors' checklist - [ ] I've signed [**Contributor License Agreement**](https://cla-assistant.io/pingcap/docs-cn) that's required for repo owners to accept my contribution. ### What is changed, added or deleted? (Required) Remove...
### First-time contributors' checklist - [ ] I've signed [**Contributor License Agreement**](https://cla-assistant.io/pingcap/docs-cn) that's required for repo owners to accept my contribution. ### What is changed, added or deleted? (Required) Add...
### First-time contributors' checklist - [ ] I've signed [**Contributor License Agreement**](https://cla-assistant.io/pingcap/docs-cn) that's required for repo owners to accept my contribution. ### What is changed, added or deleted? (Required) ###...
Now we only have the error message like '[CDC:ErrMySQLTxnError]MySQL txn error: Error 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'remarks' in 'field list', when there are some problems for the changefeed. However, the...
We provide compression param for redo module to make the redo files more tiny, in order to improve the speed of forwarding the redo progress. We set not enable compression...
Currently the metrics for redo module is not clear and correct enough to analyze the working situations for redo. Such as 1. It is impossible to achieve 100% worker busy...