I want to know this answer too
I use my own data which's cameras are calculated by colmap.
> > I use my own data which's cameras are calculated by colmap. > > Trun down learning rate. Same as you, I trained my own data created by Blender,...
> > > > I use my own data which's cameras are calculated by colmap. > > > > > > > > > Trun down learning rate. Same as...
> > > > > I use my own data which's cameras are calculated by colmap. > > > > > > > > > > > > Trun down...
> Hi Yu, thanks for your work and such an organized repo! > > I'm now using ROMP to get SMPL poses and would like to visualize the meshes via...
> Hi Yu @Arthur151, Thanks so much for the quick reply and for pointing out the correct way to do this. In the end, I followed the way that you...
> @Andyen512 No, The image size should be the original size on input image, not on the resize BEV's input map. It is fine to directly use the camera intrinsic...