Does this module work with a USB camera or only through a camera attached to the pi camera port? I have an old ps3 usb camera i'd like to use...
Improve privacy while using blockchain dApps https://railgun.org/wallets.html
Opening as a draft to get feedback but this should be a working example of coinbase smart wallet integration https://github.com/wslyvh/nexth/assets/24376928/a8d90964-82f5-47f3-b252-3412867b287c https://github.com/wslyvh/nexth/assets/24376928/a5481b9e-0e07-4c0e-9767-231b0474d7ae https://github.com/wslyvh/nexth/assets/24376928/3a270824-2335-4869-b3e7-8b4971b47b9a Removed the Coinbase connector specific connect and disconnect...