Ralf Kronen

Results 4 issues of Ralf Kronen

Hi, how can i use the `public static $category` in my own Tool Ressource? Cheers Ralf

Hi, i implement the debugbar in Yii, and i extend the Yii CDbConnection Class: ` use DebugBar\DataCollector\PDO\TraceablePDO; class DBarDbConnection extends CDbConnection { protected function createPdoInstance() { $instance = parent::createPdoInstance(); if(!Yii::app()...

Hi there, until now i use jwt to login in my api. But now i want to use Horizon additionally. To secure the horizon app, i want to use the...

Hi, i use mjml in my laravel 5.6 homestead env. I run `return $this->mjml('email.register');` in my Mail Class. First i get an Permission denied Error in `'storage/framework/views/`. I solved this...