Homan Chou

Results 7 issues of Homan Chou

current_user = User.first #User is on "master" shard current_user.listings.using(current_user.shard_id) #listings are on "shard_1" This returns ALL listings on shard_1, not just the listings for this user The select statement no...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As a player of a first person shooter game, when playing WebXR immersive mode, I would like to see hand...

help wanted
new feature

Just wondering if you were able to get observer to run from within vscode devcontainer?

Some serial jobs may depend on the data from workers that ran before them. What do you suggest is a good mechanism to pass variables along, that are not known...

There are some instances where json-schema allows for certain expressiveness that cannot be represented in typescript. One such need I have is an object where **only one** of the following...

help wanted
good first issue

For some reason my event machine doesn't start. It just hangs. I never see a "Server started" message. I'm using 1.9.3.

Can you please update the read me with some examples on how to create a product feed? I'm not even sure how to include the modules so that they can...