Holub Csongor
Holub Csongor
Please check, if the PATH of the required components is in the sme location as described in CMakeLists.txt.
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS ../../../components) I said, check this location, I think, that this directory does not exist (more or less ../). If it would exist, it would appear in components.
https://github.com/espressif/esp-face/blob/b4a2ef17043b5d62564cdb71d190d1f36f38f171/tutorial/implement_your_own_model.ipynb I think, you need this.
Yes, you can build up raw tcp connections with idf. Look for example in the idf-repository.
You have to enable the rtc gpio in menuconfig
Since they are not working on any fix in my opinion (no reaction to issues, just angry noises), the only option is to use the old Make and MSYS combo,...