kube-controller-manager 可以维护其他workload的状态,但是不会维护pod的吧,比如pod需要绑定主机端口啊这些都是在kubelet上做的
Maybe you can add one envoy instance before your backend as a loadbalancer. And make this loadbalancer using least request loadbalancing? Then when your requests pass thought the loadbalancer, they...
I tried using linux/amd64 devcontainer in mbp, but its still not work 😢 Now Im using my gaming pc as a remote dev server.
> Sounds rather unlikely, if it's launching a Pod can it successfully pull the image? Thanks for replying! And the answer is No, that why I try docker pull image...
I tried nsenter into dockerd's net ns and curl the registry address, It's successed... There may exist some magic in dockerd pulling image..