Philippe Höij
Philippe Höij
I agree with @wcoolidge. I find strength of WOQL and TDB to be the very interop between docs and triples, leveraging the notion of having more than one way do...
Adding, exposing the id generation for the random id could be a good middle ground, to leverage only one dependable implementation perhaps?
Great summary and understand the issue much better considering the effort needed. It's a thorny one, and ultimately depend on the product vision of what TerminusDB is and should/will be....
I'm probably just afraid to lose some power in the WOQL interface, you will make a good decision! Perhaps there is a third way? Some of the WOQL usecases I...
Some more thoughts to share this morning on how to add triples to lists/sets from capture operations would need some very interesting in-document triples/data-nuggets manipulations (delete/addToList, setSingleProperty, etc). Manipulating (sub)documents...
Cool! Looking forward to understanding more 🤩
I like the approach taken, thanks a lot for taking all perspectives into consideration. Agree in the approach prioritising performance for the documents interface over the triples one! No an...
Love it ❤️ Well done, this is a great improvement for container security 🤩 Thanks for the improvement!!!
Of course, now that I think of it. Perhaps a separate non-root image would make sense?