
Results 11 comments of hohserg1

As example, follow config added floating flowers generation to the end dimension. Flowers are uses different blockstates. Now it solved by copy-paste https://gist.github.com/hohserg1/f19f76bc38e9b36763b43aeb8fa4b340

i'm don't have that ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35610168/62081083-96e68000-b25a-11e9-9b55-3907c1b2bab8.png)

I'm try to off offline generation. Without offline generation(screenshot) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35610168/62081272-f17fdc00-b25a-11e9-8ec6-6f558c9c2251.png) With offline generation ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35610168/62081324-0492ac00-b25b-11e9-9ea8-bf4ca88e0d6c.png) In first case image in local folder are not rendered In second case not rendered emoji

Thx for answer. It seems no other way for obtain ectoplasm( Too many things tied to dragon and it hard in multipayer. Try to make a second version of mod...

I play on not my server. However, I can ask admin for added recipe. But it are not sign that mod may have't multiplayer compability built-in

> HEE 2 is a complete redesign. Yeah, I say about that

I solidarity to that! I also want to use `PATCH` method for GithubAPI. It may be useful for solve: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25163131/httpurlconnection-invalid-http-method-patch/46323891#46323891

How I can test such case?

Do you tested this with one player on server? It bug may bound with dimension update mechanics: entities are not updated if dimension not contains players. For check it try...

Something like "only player with headphones can hear sound"?