Michael Hohl

Results 25 comments of Michael Hohl

Is just an idea. Btw. thank you for the great work.

More details: https://openradar.appspot.com/28200846

You're right. Thats a bug caused by missing implementation of `isEqual:` and `hash` in `MIHRSAPrivateKey` and `MIHRSAPublicKey`. Thanks for pointing out. I'll fix this in the next release.

I don't think so. As described in my comment from 2015 it would be easy to fix, by implementing `isEqual:` and `hash` methods, but I never did so. If you...

I'm sorry, but there isn't much I can do for you on that issue. The issue is related to https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/OpenSSL/issues/22. **EDIT:** Sorry, just seen. The referenced issue is opened by...

This PR would be very welcome!

Hey, @indiandragon It shouldn't be too hard to extend `MIHAESKey` to support ECB. Right now it is hardcoded to use the CBC chiper in [lines 126 to 136](https://github.com/hohl/MIHCrypto/blob/master/MIHCrypto/AES/MIHAESKey.m#L126-L136) and [lines...

_(Due to my own experience BouncyCastle and MIHCrypto work very well together. So don't worry about that.)_ Your server response is 256 bytes long (which is equal to 2048 bits)...

Some other idea: Are you splitting your data into blocks of 1024 bytes before transmitting? Because that wouldn't work as expected. In RSA (at least in RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING mode, which is...

Not yet, I'm sorry. However it would just require a few changes in MIHAESKey.m to get this working. > On 09.11.2015, at 13:41, Alex [email protected] wrote: > > Hi, >...