Hello, I am unable to execute the detection sample image as described by the readme.md file. Following error occurs during the execution: You called ./detection with: --input /opt/CCTag/sample/01.png --nbrings 3...
Hello, I am trying to use the oxford dataset with ros2 (humble). I converted the github package to Humble with some small adjustments (mostly CMake changes) and it works without...
Hi, I am currently using different parameters for the ROS2 node of the bonxai implementation. However, changing the sensor_model/max_range currently does not affect the map build process. As described in...
Hello Everyone, I am trying to use isaac_ros_nvblox using a pre-recorded ros2 bag. For this matter I wanted to use an ouster OS1 Lidar sensor (Gen 1) with following parameters:...
Hello, I am trying to build the library using CUDA and everything seems to be ok during the build process. However, when I try to do a simple detection using...