Hodossy, Szabolcs
Hodossy, Szabolcs
I have suspected, that is the case. I do not have enough time to implement full support, but if you could describe what structure the above should be parsed into,...
I will try to prepare a PR for this one.
I would happily contribute to Hungarian translation :) Those tools seem great for automated translations, when could you take time to implement translations support?
Sorry for being this late with the answer, but in the end I managed to get it working with this suggested configuration! I really appreciate the time and effort you...
Here you go: https://jsfiddle.net/jr23t5wy/4/ It is better there, zoom is responsive, but while I zoom, the center is not set as I would expect. It seems like `setCenter` is ignored...
I am not too familiar with the code base, but I can try to find the first release where this went wrong.
Sorry for the delay, I was not able to find the time to check upon this until now. The last working version is 1.9.1 ([jsFiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/jr23t5wy/5/)), and the first version that...
Thanks for the WA! It was a tedious task to manually correct the timing issue...
I had the same issue, but I am also running multiple instances of workers, and if I understand correctly that would mean that the issue would still remain, it would...