Results 5 comments of hobobandy

old, but the feature still isn't in, so i pipe to grep and exclude based on size like ffuf -fs gobuster vhost -u -w namelist.txt | grep -v '\[Size:...

> I tried the fork on my RPi 4 on the latest RPi OS 64-bit. I did: > > sudo apt install --reinstall raspberrypi-kernel-headers raspberrypi-kernel > reboot > sudo apt...

> One extra line is needed: > > EXTRA_CFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector > > TBH I don't know what it does, I am no C programmer. But without this line compiling...

> I did it, it fails. The difference is I am using 64-bit Weird.. I am too.. damn, I use a clean install though, oh well.

In git-verison, this endpoint works: /devices/views/seenby-{UUID}/devices.json Not sure if intended since documented otherwise. Possible relevent code: - line 2018