Hoàng Anh Tuấn

Results 6 issues of Hoàng Anh Tuấn

You can add my [DraggablePanel 2](https://github.com/hoanganhtuan95ptit/DraggablePanel) library to the list! Thanks. ![Alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoanganhtuan95ptit/DraggablePanel/master/output/ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif)

You can add my [DraggablePanel 2](https://github.com/hoanganhtuan95ptit/DraggablePanel) library to the list! Thanks. ![Alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoanganhtuan95ptit/DraggablePanel/master/output/ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif)

I want to Grayscale in your camera, can you give me solution to implement it, thanks ![Image of Yaktocat](https://www.javacodegeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/effect_grayscale.png)

Thank you for writing this library. It helped me a lot during the project development process. When integrating into my project I made changes in your library to improve performance....

Example project on how to customize beautiful QRCode with Android Thanks You.

**Bug Description** I use Uniswap Pool on Chrome Android to create a pair (Matic-Usdc) in the chain (Polygon) When the graph is loading or already showing up, I can't swipe...
