We from Haag-networX are using Lansuite too. It's also a 200 Gamers lan. But we are using a fork from it with a new Password hash and an edited...
This change allows an easy way to upgrade the password hash for the users. For the Tornament Module no password updates are done, but it's not important cause for every...
Well PBKDF2-SHA1 is also an open implementation from php we just picked this one because it's the same xmpp uses and mainly for a singlesignon feature. The most part of...
@m-ober the class PasswordHash does the checking if an old passwordhash is used and then the hashing with the php function hash_pbkdf2 if needed and converts the output into an...
I'm having the same Problem but got it fixed with selecting the ID of the Battery Back one by one ``` def get_values_single(self, dev_id): bdevid = "{:02X}".format(dev_id).encode() self.send_cmd(dev_id, 0x42, bdevid)...
@Frankkkkk I'm planning to do a MR but i haven't had time till now as i'd like to set define the struct in a way it makes sense for a...